APPENDIX C: Technical Workflow Description
EL Elsevier
IDIES Institute for Data Intensive Engineering and Science, Johns Hopkins University
NYU New York University
TACC Texas Advanced Computing Center at the University of Texas at Austin
SYSADMIN A defined user of the admin dashboard who has been authorized by the Democratizing Data leadership to initialize projects that an agency has requested and to assign users as administrators of those projects
ADMIN A defined user from the agency staff who has been assigned by the agency to manage a project, configure its input parameters, monitor progress, and assign reviewers, etc.
REVIEWER A user assigned by the admin to review/validate the results of the machine learning algorithms
Glossary / Definitions
Project A dataset search and discovery activity requested and defined by a funding entity (currently federal agency). It is characterized in a statement of work by a set of datasets that are targets of the inquiry, as well as a set of restrictive parameters
Main Alias The main alias is the dataset name that most commonly describes the dataset and/or the dataset which the agency would wish results to be grouped by
Alias Type Many Datasets have short form names or alternative names that are used instead of the Main Alias. These are dataset aliases. A specific form of alias is an acronym or abbreviation. Where such aliases exist they can form part of the search routines
Research Output A document / publication representing the formal results of research. Research outputs include journal articles, conference papers, review papers, book chapters, books, etc.
Indicated by a sequence number and by location.
Step 0: Project initialization [IDIES]
A SYSADMIN initializes a new project in the admin dashboard.
This requires the following actions:
Adding project level metadata such as:
Formal department name (e.g., USDA or US Department of Agriculture)
Formal agency name (e.g., NASS or National Agricultural Statistical Service)
Unique identifier which incluldes a date stamp and version number (e.g., 2022_12_25_v1)
Assigning a "defined user" to be an ADMIN for this project and communicating with that ADMIN user to explain entry to the system
Side effects:
An entry representing the project will be written in the
tableAn entry representing the agency ADMIN will be added to the
tableIf no user exists yet an entry will also be added to the
An entry will be added to the
Step 1: Project definition [IDIES]
Agency ADMIN uploads target dataset-alis file format: either
Each row should correspond to a dataset name/alias.
: identifier, created by NYU upon receipt and unique in file
: the string identifying name of dataset identified by the agency as the formal name of the dataset
: identifies the aliases that are commonly associated withMain_alias
: one from [main_alias
]Dataset DOI: If available
ADMIN set other search config parameters:
data range: [start-date, end-date] where data is ISO-8601 compliant (YYYY-MM-DD) and based on calendar year
US author flag: boolean
ADMIN clicks button to save or submit:
save: result stored in database
Data model extension needed
History of consecutive save-s stored
submit: Elsevier notified
TBD how: likely file uploaded to new S3 folder that Elsevier is listening to
milestone noted in database
Step 2: Identify relevant topics for search corpus creation [EL]
Elsevier uses the job identifier created in step 0 to organize its work and undertakes process as follows:
Take datasets names and aliases from step 1;
Exact text matching on Science Direct;
Identify the Research Topics on the matches generated;
Aggregate the counts of matched research outputs by Topics;
Apply filter that excludes those topics with less than a count of 5 research outputs.
Elsevier transmits a JSON file containing resulting list of Research Topics from Science Direct to IDIES with the following aggregate metadata:
unique run identifier;
Research Topics;
count of research outputs against the filtered Research Topics.
NYU and IDIES review and select the research topics with EL.
IDIES shows the result in the admin dashboard and stores milestones in database.
ADMIN inspects result (Note that in V2 agencies will be able to provide input, such as to confirm the Research Topics to include).
Step 3: Determination search corpus [Elsevier]
Elsevier determines the input for the ML Algorithms:
Search Scopus using Research topics and the search config parameters and identify the research outputs records that are theoretically available for the search corpus.
Output 2.1: Number of records theoretically available in the Scopus and which can be used in reference search
Filter the records to exclude from the ML algorithm search those for which full text does not exist
Output 2.2: Number of records for which full text exists
Exclude records for which full text search is not allowed because of licensing agreements
Output 2.3: Number of records for which full text exists and we are licensed that may be searched using the ML algorithms
Output 2.4: list of research topics with counts of research outputs greater than 5
Elsevier transfers Outputs 2.1 to 2.4 to IDIES in a JSON file
IDIES displays results on the dashboard and stores milestone in the database
ADMIN inspects the result (Version 2 will allow more interaction)
Step 4: Running ML algorithms [Elsevier] and Reference Search
Elsevier runs the ML models on records with available full text in the Search Corpus:
Record the results of the models in a way that enables the different results generated by the different models to be later compared (i.e. which datasets were found by which models).
Perform fuzzy match using the alias names to determine whether the datasets found by the ML models ae on the agency dataset list and tags with the unique identifier. Where an alias name is a short acronym, additional “flag” terms may be employed.
Filter the set of matched records to indicate which are associated with target datasets and those where snippet cannot be generated for licensing reasons.
Elsevier runs a reference search on all the records in the Search Corpus:
Perform string match search on publication references using the dataset name and aliases.Where an alias name is a short acronym, additional “flag” terms may be employed.
Combine the positive matches from reference search with the ML algorithm output but with tag to indicate the match was found from the reference search.
Elsevier provides aggregate metadata about the run to IDIES.
For target dataset:
Dataset name;
Unique ID for dataset;
Flag for whether dataset is in agency search list;
Threshold chosen for inclusion;
Count of number of mentions;
Count of number of unique research outputs in which that dataset has been found;
Count of number of publications for each research topic.
For unknowns datasets with frequency greater than 5:
Predicted name of unknown dataset;
Count of number of mentions;
Count of number of unique research outputs in which that dataset has been found;
Count of number of research outputs for each research topic.
IDIES displays this in admin dashboard and records milestone in databases. ADMIN inspects the result and approves continuation. [precise details TBD].
Step 5: Generation Publication Record Data for validation [Elsevier]
Elsevier takes the research outputs that are matched with one or more target datasets and produces the agreed metadata for those research output records (see Appedix B for metadata that is available for individual research outputs). The data for individual research records is for those that contain the target datasets or their aliases only.
Whilst research output metadata is produced only for the research output that contain a target dataset or alias, it is possible that a research output will contain other datasets in addition to the target ones. In those circumstances, the snippet associated with those additional datasets will be provided.
Step 6: Ingestion in database [IDIES]
IDIES retrieves data from S3 storage on SciServer;
JSON files read and ingested into staging database;
Data from staging tables transformed into core database;
Admin dashboard shows statistics such as:
total number publications found;
number of research outputs for each dataset;
number of topics for each dataset show topics sorted in descending frequency;
number of authors for each dataset;
number of journals for each dataset.
Step 7: Validation [IDIES]
ADMIN configures validation:
defines users (email, password);
assigns users as REVIEWER for this project;
sets number of snippets in a batch;
sets fraction of snippets with multiple reviews.
REVIEWER validates snippets assigned to them.
ADMIN inspects progress of vaidation in admin dashboard.
V2 ADMIN provides map of El research topics to AGENCY topic of interest.
Step 8: Finalization [IDIES]
ADMIN decides validation is complete.
Validated data is sent to S3 bucket.
One CSV file per table.
Only accepted dyads, no snippet data
TACC retrieves it and loads it in database underlying the API.
Elsevier extracts information of use for ML tuning.
Last updated